Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Healthier US

The time has come for Jeff and I to buckle down and to get healthy. We have a lot coming up, and one special event would be Jared and Kayla's wedding. So this week Jeff, his mom and I start P90X back and eating healthy (dieting). I would like to point out that I didn't even lose any weight for my own wedding, so not sure how this will go. lol!

Anyway, we are all going to do our own diets, then work out together after work. I want to point out that I am telling you all this due to lack of motivation usually after the first week or so. I am hoping to keep it going not just for now but for the rest of my life. Studies have shown that healthier people have less health issues. Since my family has all sorts of diseases, I figured I need as much help as I can to get to live a long happy life with my sweet & handsome husband!

Here are a few "Steps" that I am doing to help stay motivated!

Step 1...Tell others so that you can be accountable, which is what I am doing! :)
Step 2...Have a goal, mine will be to lose 20 lb by the end of May. That is logical if I lose 1 lb every week! OR even make a bet with someone!
Step 3...Have a workout partner
Step 4...Set aside time each day, even if you have to get up earlier (I always FAIL at this)
Step 5...Your weight usually fluctuates, so I would suggest weighing yourself once a week (always first thing in the morning, after you have used the restroom).
Step 6...Blackmail yourself! Take a picture of yourself, without a shirt or shorts on. Not only can you compare, but it will be great motivation!

This is more than just to prove to Jeff I can stick to it and get healthy. This is to prove to myself, that I am worth more than just a $6 meal from Taco Bell, etc. So, here is to the New Year and new us!

My motivation...my husband! :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mr. & Mrs.

The wedding festivities started on Wednesday night by hanging the Christmas lights across the building, followed by family coming in on Thursday and running around trying to get as much done as possible. Come rehearsal time on Friday, I was done worrying about anything that needed to be done. I had previously told myself that anything that wasn't done before that time, I was not going to stress over and I didn't. I lounged around with family and friends after the rehearsal, slept in on our wedding day and then visited some more. After finally getting my hair and make up done, pictures started. Jeff and I were not the traditional bride and groom. We decided we wanted to take all the pictures before the (short and sweet) ceremony. So, Jeff and I met in the sanctuary with only our photographer to see each other for the first time, which was one of the sweetest moments. The ceremony was conducted by my uncle who did an amazing job and filled it with l.o.v.e. Then very unexpectedly, Jeff surprised me with a dip for our "first kiss" as husband and wife.

Headed to the ceremony, Jeff and I got to walk in before anyone got there and I must say it was beautiful. It was more than I dreamed up in my head! We then got taken upstairs where we got to eat the delicious food before anyone arrived. The night was followed with dancing and spending time with the ones we love!

I have to thank Harding Catering, The Grass Shop, Brooke Dean's Photography and Jay's Karaoke & DJ, along with Ashley, Kristen, Kristi, Chad, Jeff, my mom and the rest of my bridesmaids (y'all rock)! Below are a few shots of our wedding day, ENJOY! (Click on the pictures to enlarge).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Honeymooner's

Our honeymoon was amazing (minus me getting food poisoning our last night)! We drove to Florida and on Monday got on a cruise that sailed towards the Bahamas. Ah, I can remember the thought of, "I don't have to talk to anyone for a week!" And let me say that after being on the phone (which felt like nonstop) for the past 5 months trying to get everything planned and put together, it was much needed.

On to the cruise, although the weather was cooler than normal and we napped a good bit, it was the most amazing time (minus our wedding) that I have had to date. I watched Jeff gamble a little, we went to production shows, we ate...ate...and ate some more, was invited to eat with the captain of the ship, walked on the most beautiful beaches and even got to bask in the sun on our last day!

Nassau, Bahamas
Coco Cay, Bahamas
Last night on the cruise
Mr and Mrs Schafer at the Captain's dinner
The 3 couples with the Captain
Monarch of the Seas from Royal Caribbean

After returning back to the states and me being sick, my lovely husband drove the whole way (minus an hour) home. "For better or for worse"...he wasn't aware that was coming so soon! :) Pulling in our driveway never felt so good. After getting my strength back I had to tackle getting my "Thank You" lists ready and also put up Christmas, wedding and honeymoon stuff! Now as husband and wife, we want to thank everyone who took time out of their busy lives to spend it celebrating with us. For those of you who could not make it, we miss you all VERY much and look forward to seeing you in 2012!