Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It's time to tap into our lives as a married couple. After getting home from work yesterday, Jeff commented that he reads my (well, OUR) blog, and that our marriage sounds like it is flawless (my words). I do have to say that he is the best, and no I am not sucking up. Since getting married, I've gotten the question, "so how are things going?" The answer to that question is...for the MOST part is absolutely wonderful and I can honestly say that I am not sure what I would do if I didn't have him. Yes, that statement stands even when I am mad. Of course, I need to learn to listen more and not raise my voice when I feel like I need to make a point. Maybe the previous sentence is the definition of stubborn? Those aren't the only things I need to change, but all that I am going to get into today. That being said, I am lucky that Jeff loved me enough to see past my imperfections.

As a newlywed and a wife, you have expectations to fill. Cooking is probably the main expectation that I despise, and maybe it isn't just because I hate feeling like I have to do it. But maybe because I have a high failure rate when it comes to it, or maybe (as bad as I hate to admit it) it is because I would rather do something because I want to do it. Which brings me to my point of this post. Actions speak louder than words. For instance, J and I will leave notes around the house for one another. It is an unexpected surprise that we both love to get. One action (that you think is unimportant) can either start someones day off wonderfully or even turn one of his/her worst days around. The action I am currently working on (you guessed it) is cooking. I used to love to cook, and yes I did cook and it was delish! I am thinking that the pressure of having Jeff like everything I cook has got my "cooking skills" (J will laugh at that) thrown out the window.

Enough giving myself a speech on being a better wife, below is a birthday shout out.

Happy Birthday to Beth!
Have a Terrific Tuesday!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Weekends Just Fly By...

So, unfortunately, my weekend started early due to sickness last week. So as Jeff has repeatedly said when I mention that I am tired, "you slept for five days!", how can you still be tired? It was much needed obviously and after getting antibiotics then taking decongestants...a week later, I feel like a new woman. I have to admit that I am rather chipper today, and glad to be at work! Jeff was "on call" this weekend and after fishing for 4 hours he got called in on Saturday. Bummer! He finally got home around 5 am on Sunday and he and I slept in (me too? YES!). We went to eat at J's favorite (Mexican) then stopped to look at more living room furniture, and decided to grab a movie from Redbox (who is upping their prices)! Went on home to work on a green field! Below are some pictures I took of Jeff working hard. Of course, we ended the night with pizza and the movie, "Real Steel." I must say, I was hesitant about the movie, but it turned out to be good. Well job, J!

Looking forward to this week passing by, and seeing Taylor, Skylar and Shelby next weekend! For those of you who don't know, that is my sister from another mother and my Godchildren!
Taylor holding Shelby with Skylar standing.
I started a 3 day diet today called the Birmingham Diet. It is a certain combination of foods you have to eat and each day is different. You can't add to or alter the diet in any way. So far so good, although I have only eaten the breakfast portion. lol! I will let you know by the end of the third day how much I lost in weight!

Remember to live your life to the fullest and love those around you, because tomorrow isn't promised. Have a fabulous Monday!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

"Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." -Robert Heinlein

I had to start today with that quote. Before any of you think this is going to be a "mushy" post, you are wrong. But I will start by saying Happy Valentine's Day from J and I!

I couldn't just choose one topic to talk about, so here goes...
I pretty much gave J what I posted originally, I did change out a couple of things but forgot to upload the pictures (SORRY). I did get a surprise myself, a new charm for my Pandora bracelet. To me the bracelet is as important as my rings. Jeff bought me the bracelet and every single charm on it. Plus that is also how he proposed (by giving me an "S" charm), which is why I decided to wear it on our wedding day.

This past weekend turned to be very windy and cold. I woke Jeff up about 3 in the morning because I heard something that sounded like it had dropped in the house. After J got his gun and walked through the house, and we were both back in bed...I heard it again. Jeff wasn't happy when I started poking him again. Mr smarty pants decided to inform me it was our decorative letters on the front doors. lol! After getting a few more hours of sleep, we decided to go to Tupelo Saturday and spend the day shopping (since it was too cold for him to be fishing). Got there and it was snowing, beautiful. It only lasted for about 30 minutes, but with the warm winter we have had, it was nice. Ended a good day with great food (Anthony's in West Point) and great friends celebrating Dori and Andy's engagement! As far as the rest of the weekend goes, we got up and of course did P90X (I am definitely ready to see the results of my aching body), then Jeff went fishing with his new Alabama rig and I spent time with my mom.

Last, I want to point out how blessed I am. I was born to the best parents, "they raised me right." I was taught manners, to believe in myself, be compassionate to everyone but most importantly to love our God. I am blessed with some great family and friends, some I wish I could of stayed in touch with better. I now can say that I was given great in-laws. They remind me so much of my own parents. Hard working, strong, will help anyone at the drop of a hat and the most loving people I have been blessed to know. I better not forget my husband, all I can say is that I am lucky! God knew what he was doing when he didn't give me exactly what I asked for, when I asked for it. Lord help me if had.

Be compassionate and help make the world a better place.

J & K

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

There are several things I thought I would update you on, I am still doing the countdown to Valentine's Day and let's just say Jeff can't wait to see what he will wake up to. I have changed out some of things I posted originally. On Valentine's day I will re-post what I left for him.
Next, we are still doing P90x. I am starting to tell a difference. Not so much in how my clothes are fitting (YET!), but I can tell by body is toning up. I can also tell that with each work out I can do a little more than the last one and I actually have better form (VERY important).

I am also trying to find recipes that Jeff will eat, and anyone who knows him knows how picky he is. I am not the best cook, so I am trying to improve, so any suggestions will be helpful! Jeff loves my moms fried chicken strips, so I thought I would surprise him. Let's just say the eye on the stove is cursed! The first couple of strips were good, then the rest were burnt! Only me...I keep hearing that no one starts off great. Well, my husband thinks that I have never been in a kitchen before. BTW, yes, I know that fried chicken was NOT on our healthy diet.

Hope you have a great Wednesday and if you have any recipes that I could try...send them to kimschafer2@gmail.com! I am sure J would appreciate it!
A bridal picture taken of me, and it's one of my fav's, just wanted to share it! I took this picture of a picture with my phone, so the quality isn't as good.

One of my favorite pictures of us and wanted to share it also!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Countdown to Valentine's Day

I found the cutest blog, giving ideas for Valentine's Day. Well, what if we did a countdown to Valentine's Day? Here are some of the things I am going to do. SO, if my husband is reading...STOP and for all you others...keep it a secret! :)

I have been busy with work then working out after work, so my creativeness isn't as great as normal. BUT you will get the picture, and in all reality Jeff will love the fact that I took 5 minutes to do something sweet for him.

Here are some ideas I either found or came up with.

This is what I left this morning.
I went with this because his passion is bow hunting..

Yes, I have to add in some healthy treats!

This will have his favorite kind of cookies in it!
It's a Bouncy ball...yes, it's silly! But what guy doesn't like to bounce one!

His FAVORITE soft drink!

Bouncy Ball...yes, it's silly but it is the thought behind it. And seriously what guy doesn't like to bounce one of these?!

I borrowed this from another site, but do plan on leaving this one morning!

On the 14th of February, you can give that special someone a bigger gift of your choice. Either way, I can guarantee that they will appreciate the thought behind it. I have already been thanked repeatedly for Pop Rocks, who would of thought. Remember, it is the small things in life that make our life worth living.

If anything, take just ONE minute out of your day to truly acknowledge each other and the love you have for one another!

Let me know if you decide to do this and what you came up with!