Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Healthier US

The time has come for Jeff and I to buckle down and to get healthy. We have a lot coming up, and one special event would be Jared and Kayla's wedding. So this week Jeff, his mom and I start P90X back and eating healthy (dieting). I would like to point out that I didn't even lose any weight for my own wedding, so not sure how this will go. lol!

Anyway, we are all going to do our own diets, then work out together after work. I want to point out that I am telling you all this due to lack of motivation usually after the first week or so. I am hoping to keep it going not just for now but for the rest of my life. Studies have shown that healthier people have less health issues. Since my family has all sorts of diseases, I figured I need as much help as I can to get to live a long happy life with my sweet & handsome husband!

Here are a few "Steps" that I am doing to help stay motivated!

Step 1...Tell others so that you can be accountable, which is what I am doing! :)
Step 2...Have a goal, mine will be to lose 20 lb by the end of May. That is logical if I lose 1 lb every week! OR even make a bet with someone!
Step 3...Have a workout partner
Step 4...Set aside time each day, even if you have to get up earlier (I always FAIL at this)
Step 5...Your weight usually fluctuates, so I would suggest weighing yourself once a week (always first thing in the morning, after you have used the restroom).
Step 6...Blackmail yourself! Take a picture of yourself, without a shirt or shorts on. Not only can you compare, but it will be great motivation!

This is more than just to prove to Jeff I can stick to it and get healthy. This is to prove to myself, that I am worth more than just a $6 meal from Taco Bell, etc. So, here is to the New Year and new us!

My motivation...my husband! :)

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