Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birthday Gifts

Sorry, I am being a slacker. Work has been long this week. For J's birthday we ended up at Anthony's Restaurant (which I LOVE, BUT was Jeff's decision to go). Not our best experience there but we had a great time getting out. Before we left the house I made Jeff open his gifts (because I can never wait). I made him open up a card that morning, then in the afternoon open a box and it was boot warmers. Some people may think that was a silly gift, but he truly needs it. Plus, my husband may be the hardest person to buy for. If he wants something, he doesn't wait for someone to buy it for him, he just goes out and gets it on his own. Needless to say, I never know what to get him. I made him open his second card next (which had his big gift in it). How's that? Well, his actual gift hasn't come in yet, so I printed off a picture of it...A DIGITAL SMOKER!

We had a great time, and wish it didn't have to end. He truly is the greatest and I am lucky to be his wife!

Something I ordered: Another sister from another mother, Kristen [which is Taylor's sister (previous post)] made this for my front door...don't be jealous ;) If interested, you can leave me a comment or send me an email at and I will get you her information or send more things that she has done. LOVE IT! THANK YOU, Kristen!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Birthday Wishes!

Happy birthday to my wonderful husband! We will be going out to celebrate his birthday at his restaurant of choice and then will be given his gifts. I hope he has a wonderful day, because he deserves it and more!

Last year's birthday- LOVE that smile
Happy birthday, J!!
Love you more than you will ever know and can't wait to celebrate tonight! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Men and Their Toys

Sorry for the delay, work has been extra busy. So, all I told you was that when I arrived home, I noticed that Jeff made a purchase while I was gone. Before I go any further, I do want to say that he has talked about it for over a year now, and once I tell you what it is I will go into deeper why.

I was so excited to see my husband Sunday, then as I am pulling up I notice there is a MOTORCYCLE sitting in the driveway. I knew he was going to look and test drive one, but didn't know he would buy one while I was gone. SURPRISE!

I must say that if that is what he truly wants then I am so happy for him. He actually sold his first one to buy my engagment ring. It was a selfless and sweet act and my ring means more to me than he will ever know. I guess that is why I got over him buying it within 15 minutes.

OH WELL, that is just one more thing for us to do as a couple. I mean who doesn't enjoy having their arms wrapped around their husband?! If so, then you may need to find the post where I talked about being a better partner. ;)

J's new ride (I will get a better one soon)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend Follow up

I have hit over 1000 viewers in 3 months! I am pleased to have readers from the UK, Italy, Russia and Germany, along with the US. Thank you all for taking the time to read my personal blog and the events that happen in it.

I made it home from the bachelorette party alive! We thought we would never get back home. The drive home was shorter than the drive there, but it felt never ending! I was so excited to see Jeff, it felt like I hadn't seen him in weeks. Being at the beach without him got me thinking that I need to start planning our first vacation as a married couple.

I also got home and realized that my husband bought a toy while I was gone...that will be tomorrow's story with a picture! He was lucky that I missed him terribly. :)

Below are just several pictures from the past weekend...

Destin Beach, FL

Jennifer (drinking the signature drink I made)

The bride and I

Friday, March 16, 2012

Looking Forward to...DESTIN!

It is FINALLY Friday! Looking forward to relaxation this weekend. I have 2 weddings coming up next month along with a bachelorette party THIS WEEKEND! I will leave today for the weekend in Destin with Jennifer (college roomate) along with other bridesmaids and friends. Can't wait for some time to put a tint on my skin and have girl talk! I sure will miss the hubs!

Monica (Jenn's sister), me and Jennifer

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ding, ding, DING!

Well, I must of woken up yesterday ready to go. Worked 9 hours at work, then headed and walked/jogged 2 miles and then finished with plyometrics (yes, my body feels it today). Jeff had to work 14.5 hours yesterday, so I wanted to work on my domestic skills and thought I would attempt my moms fried chicken again. Well, I have to say, it was DELISH! I think J was shocked. Even he kept giving me rave reviews, and is looking forward to leftovers for lunch. I must say that when you get it right, it sure feels good!  Not to mention I made a HOMEMADE peach cobbler this past weekend, and it was a home run, everyone loved it! Wish I would of taken a picture of it. That is all for now, just had to let you know that I finally made something that J was excited about.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Where's My Cowboy Hat?"

I married the greatest man, which has a great family of his own. Trust me, I am sure I will post about everyone (in his and my family/friends) eventually. But today I will write a short blog about Jeff's (and my) cousin, Katy Williams. I met Katy a couple of years ago, and she hasn't been anything but one of the kindest people I know. Katy is very smart, creative and hard working! Every time we visit the Williams, we never want to leave! They own and operate a growing cattle business and all that entails, along with having full time jobs on top of that. Katy also makes jewelry, about to start a new adventure (which I will wait for her to announce) and is now a published children's author of "Where's My Cowboy Hat?"

I want to help her spread the word of her new book, which I have purchased and read, and would highly recommend it! Here is the link to the publishing company if you are interested in ordering one of her books! It is a great book with a great lesson for all kids!

And if you want to check out her blog, click this link! She always has the cutest blogs, along with great recipes! And we all know from my previous blogs, that I need help in that department.

I hope you all had a great weekend and that you are having a great Monday!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Being a Better Partner

Could you be a better wife or husband? If you answer no, then you need to reflect on your marriage. No matter how great it is, it could always be better. So, what could you do to help make your marriage better? I have several things that I am going to reflect on, and trust me I will be taking my own advice as I, myself, need to be a better partner.

Praying for your partner. This should be the first thing we do in the mornings, along with throughout the day. Here is a link that I have been looking at daily to help with what I need to be praying for. Second is forgiveness, if you aren't able to forgive (and forget) then your marriage is in trouble. Next, communication is key. If you fail to talk with your partner, how will you ever know what is going on in their life. Finally, be passionate! Passion will be the spring in your relationship. Your passion will brighten your partners darkest days.

Life is not the fairytale that we see on tv, and the grass is never greener on the other side. Marriage takes work. It entails both partners giving 150% at all times. I am far from an expert but am trying to pass along the knowledge that I have been taught. As I am trying to incorporate them into my life and our marriage.

It is up to each one of us, if we are willing, to do what it takes to have a better marriage. At the end of the day, we will still have arguments, but what comes out of those arguments is what makes us a stronger couple.