Monday, December 31, 2012

A Year in the Books!

A year ago today, I said "I do" and Jeff "agreed". Some call it the "honeymoon phase", however, I will call it the "365 day adjustment period." lol! Everyone told me that the first year would be hard, and it was. No one truly talks about the hardships to expect, and to tell you the can't prepare for them. Being married this first year has made me realize how selfish I am. Discovering your own glaring faults is not fun, but understandably it has to be done to make things better.

Marriage is definitely the hardest thing I have done (thus far), yet is the best thing that has happened to me. Even with the "adjustments" that this year has brought, we have had many more great times. I have been blessed with a wonderful life and a great husband.

{A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.} -Mignon McLaughlin

Had ACL surgery
Summer Lovin'

We both turned 27!


Jared & Kayla got married (not pictured)

Thanksgiving in Texas
Happy New Year from our family to yours!

Happy 1 year anniversary to the love of my life!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Fall!

Well, I realize that after my knee surgery I fell of the "bandwagon" on updating my blog. With work slowing down, I am going to make a conscious effort to keep it updated! I am finally through with therapy, although I have a long way to go before I am back to "normal". I have started working back out for the first time since before surgery in...MAY! I forgot how much better you feel when you eat healthier and exercise. I have done quite a bit of traveling for work these last couple of months, and glad I am done for the rest of the year. I will give a brief update through pictures...

The above picture is near and dear to my heart. Help spread the word and help save a life! Love you mom!!

Work trip to Nashville, and got to eat with Dori! LOVE YOU!

Jeff and I at the MSU/Auburn game

Got to see my old roomie, Jenn!
Got to visit Kristi and Jenny in Florence!

My husband surprised me with this beautiful setup! LOVE HIM!!
FINALLY, I made my very first banana pudding for Jeff's baseball reunion this past Saturday night. It was a hit! As you probably remember, Jeff doesn't think I know a thing about cooking (which is a good way of having to cook all the time, lol)

One last thing, HAIL STATE!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Catching Up

Even though two weeks have went by without me writing, not much has happened. As of now, I am going to therapy 3 days a week for at least 2 hours. I am to 115 degrees, after last week not gaining any extra degrees. Jeff and I did go to Florence two weekends ago, and got to see Amy and Foster and I got to hang out with Kristi and Jenny. On the way to Florence, J and I went through some storms and then when it stopped...there was a rainbow. Couldn't resist...had to take a picture!

Rainbow after the storm :)
Finally this weekend, Jeff and I helped shell peas! My mom does everything for everybody, and doesn't ask anything in return. So, when she went out of town for a day, J & I decided to mow her yard, and both of my grandmothers so that would be one less thing she would have to worry about. LOVE YOU, MOM!!

Shelling peas!
Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 4th Celebration

So, with me being out of commission from surgery I am just now getting to the 4th of July. Why oh why does a holiday have to fall in the middle of the week. I would say luckily I wasn't working due to my knee, but I would of rather of been at work. Since it fell like it did, Jeff and I kept it pretty low key. I did lay out (well under the shade), just to get out of the house. It was nice and HOT!
Happy 4th of July!

Trying not to get too hot ;)

LOVE that sweet smile :)
So, finally the weekend was here. Jeff's brother and his family came (with some cousins) to their parents. They enjoyed swimming for 2 days, eating homemade ice cream and FIREWORKS. Of course, I wasn't even considering getting in the pool with all those kids (even adults that acted like kids, ha). I did however sit out in the heat once again and watched while they played. Have I mentioned that I have a wonderful husband? He set up a fan to blow on me so I wouldn't get too hot since I wasn't getting in the water. In my previous post I posted a picture of me shaving my legs, well it happened on the day everyone was at J's parents. Yes, Jeff went inside and gathered everything I would need and made me shave. Guess that was a hint! ;) Jeff ended the night with shooting fireworks (his favorite thing is to make things go BOOM!), and we got my parents to come and watch as well. There is nothing like ending the day with family. Hope you all had a great holiday!

She wanted her picture taken, can you tell?
Hair wrap :)
Jared's splash (one of the many kids, ha!)
My MIL (hopefully, she won't find out I posted it)!
Kailey jumping
Kayla and Jeff (not sure why the picture wouldn't turn)



Monday, July 16, 2012

Post Surgery Catch-Up

Well, I made it through surgery, through getting my stitches out and starting therapy. I now remember why I said I wouldn't have knee surgery again. It wasn't the surgery or the getting the stitches out BUT the therapy. Oh my! I have so many people to thank. Jeff and I are definitely loved. We had people bring us food, happies, encouraging words and prayers! My list would be long if I listed everyone, but for everyone who did something, THANK YOU! I do want to thank mine and Jeff's mom. I am not sure what we would of done without you. I appreciate EVERYTHING! Also, my sister and BIL who took the time to drive me to and from work last week. I can't forget my husband, who did everything he could to make sure I was comfortable at all times. I saw another side of you through this experience, and it made me love you that much more. I am definitely blessed to of found my other half. Love you, Squinty!!

Enough of that. :) I went into surgery on June 27th, and Jeff got to witness me passing out for the first time. I think it scared him a tad bit. Surgery went great! The next days consisted of me sleeping a lot due to pain meds. I finally decided to ween myself off, so that I could get back to life. I was very upset about getting my stitches out, but luckily it wasn't bad. My mom brought headphones so I could listen to music (REALLY LOUD) to take my mind off of it. Great thinking, mom! Then immediately started therapy, OY!

I am now on my third week of therapy. I am now in a bendable brace during the day, but am supposed to sleep in the straight leg brace. The bending of my knee is coming along and am ready to chunk my crutches. I have added pictures below to show the progress.

After Surgery
After getting stitches out, and working on bending my knee
Shaving for the first time after surgery, yes I had to document ;)
Finally, a bendable brace!! :)
Again, thank you for those of you who took the time to do anything for me, even if it was a text to check on me. You will never know how much I appreciate all of you!



Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Windup

Ended last week with meeting a group of college friends to eat and to catch up! After lots of different topics and a great meal, I headed home. So glad that I have a great husband who wants me to spend time with my friends. Below is a picture of most of us! It is amazing how you can just pick up where you left off! Love you girls!!

Saturday came and before I knew it it was time to get ready for the Thompson wedding, which was fabulous! There is nothing like being with great company, eating great food, and being entertained by family! ;) I am definitely blessed!

J & I with the lovely couple
Not sure what I would do without him!
This will probably be my last post for a week (at least)! I will be going in for my surgery on Wednesday, and will post an update as soon as I feel up to it. I will also post pictures of my progress, as J pushes me to full health! ;) Please keep us in your prayers in the coming days and weeks!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Halfaversary!

I want to thank my husband for putting up with me for 6 months! I am so very lucky to have you in my life. I know it isn't always easy, but I wouldn't want to be on this journey with anyone other than you! Here's to the rest of the year and to the rest of our lives trying to make each other happier than the day before!



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Food & Pre-op

I know the title of the post sounds delightful (in my sarcastic voice)! So got off work yesterday and ran to Kroger to pick up a few things, and decided to buy some jalapenos to make a little appetizer Katy taught me when we were visiting once. Got home put on a frozen pizza, yes, a frozen pizza! I wanted to focus on making the jalapeno appetizers, don't judge! Recipe calls for room temperature cream cheese spooned inside a jalapeno cut in half (make sure to take the seeds out). After you get that done, wrap it in bacon. Anything is good with bacon wrapped around it! Below is a picture of it. I had to walk away from the stove. I couldn't stop eating them!

Today I had to go in and get my pre-op orders, which meant I had to go to the hospital and get blood work done. Anyone who knows me, knows I pass out. My mom did volunteer to come, in case I did end up passing out. I told her that I have been doing better, so there wasn't any need of her taking off work. Let's just say it was very bad. I remember telling her that I was about to pass out. Next thing I know, I have a woman hovered over me, shaking me and yelling my name. By the time I came to, I had 5 woman in that room. Without going into too much detail, I will just say I was tense, my veins rolled and she tried digging to get it. I already have a bruise. Now, that I am exhausted, I am ready to get home to rest. Just think, I will have to deal with this in the coming weeks with my surgery. So, please pray for my strength...I am going to need it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sweet Smiles and Loving G's

Well, time has gotten away with me. Sorry it has taken me so long to write another post. Things have been busy! Got back from Texas and hit the ground running. I put together a conference for some of our customers. I must say that ended up to be a success. Now, we are taking it on the road! I think in total I will have planned 10 conferences by the end of the year. I am not sure if you are aware of how much goes into one much less 10.

Well, Jamie and Wes came home the day before we left for Texas. So, I didn't truly get to visit until after my conference. He has grown so much and is in love with his mom! Look at that sweet, sweet smile. I could just eat him up.
Also, I finally got a picture of Jeff and I with his grandparents. They "adopted" me the first time they met me. I remember crying when I left their house the first time, not knowing whether or not J and I would become something. They have been as great as my own grandparents! Love them!!
I will be heading to the orthopaedic clinic tomorrow to get my pre-op done for my surgery next week. Yes, NEXT WEEK! It has seemed like it has creeped by, but now that it is here I feel as though it got here awfully quick. I don't like the anticipation of what's to come. Oh well, enough on that. Have a great Tuesday! I will let you know how everything goes!

P.S. Congrats to Andy and Aneshia! They will be getting married this Saturday!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

This and That Tuesday

Several things to blog about today. First I made homemade enchiladas for J and I last week. Must say they weren't too bad, but I will be altering the recipe.

Making the cheese sauce


Added some cheese on top!

Next, we were invited to go to Smith Lake this past weekend with the Langston's and some more couples. We had a great relaxing time. Thank you for the invite and a great weekend full of interesting conversations! ;)
Jeff about to jump!

Nolan passed out, he loves me!
Jeff and I had to leave early Sunday morning after receiving a text from his mom that his papaw Bill was not doing well at all. He was diagnosed with lung cancer last year, and finished his chemo the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. They had to have him transported to the hospital on Memorial Day. After many tests, and MRIs they discovered his cancer had spread and was then partially paralyzed due to a tumor pressing on his spine. After a grueling week, they finally moved him to a hospice house yesterday as he had not spoke or eaten in days. Tuesday morning around 4:30 AM, the Lord healed his frail body as he took his last breath. I have mixed emotions of sadness and relief. I ask that you pray for Jeff's family for the days and weeks to come.