Monday, February 27, 2012

The Weekends Just Fly By...

So, unfortunately, my weekend started early due to sickness last week. So as Jeff has repeatedly said when I mention that I am tired, "you slept for five days!", how can you still be tired? It was much needed obviously and after getting antibiotics then taking decongestants...a week later, I feel like a new woman. I have to admit that I am rather chipper today, and glad to be at work! Jeff was "on call" this weekend and after fishing for 4 hours he got called in on Saturday. Bummer! He finally got home around 5 am on Sunday and he and I slept in (me too? YES!). We went to eat at J's favorite (Mexican) then stopped to look at more living room furniture, and decided to grab a movie from Redbox (who is upping their prices)! Went on home to work on a green field! Below are some pictures I took of Jeff working hard. Of course, we ended the night with pizza and the movie, "Real Steel." I must say, I was hesitant about the movie, but it turned out to be good. Well job, J!

Looking forward to this week passing by, and seeing Taylor, Skylar and Shelby next weekend! For those of you who don't know, that is my sister from another mother and my Godchildren!
Taylor holding Shelby with Skylar standing.
I started a 3 day diet today called the Birmingham Diet. It is a certain combination of foods you have to eat and each day is different. You can't add to or alter the diet in any way. So far so good, although I have only eaten the breakfast portion. lol! I will let you know by the end of the third day how much I lost in weight!

Remember to live your life to the fullest and love those around you, because tomorrow isn't promised. Have a fabulous Monday!


  1. Looks like ya'll are having fun. I can't wait to hear more about your current diet is no more Dr. Pepper! I battle that every day, and peach tea is the only thing that saves me!

    1. I gained a pound that first day, and gave up! If I don't see results when I "torture" myself then there is no way I will continue. :/
