Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It's time to tap into our lives as a married couple. After getting home from work yesterday, Jeff commented that he reads my (well, OUR) blog, and that our marriage sounds like it is flawless (my words). I do have to say that he is the best, and no I am not sucking up. Since getting married, I've gotten the question, "so how are things going?" The answer to that question is...for the MOST part is absolutely wonderful and I can honestly say that I am not sure what I would do if I didn't have him. Yes, that statement stands even when I am mad. Of course, I need to learn to listen more and not raise my voice when I feel like I need to make a point. Maybe the previous sentence is the definition of stubborn? Those aren't the only things I need to change, but all that I am going to get into today. That being said, I am lucky that Jeff loved me enough to see past my imperfections.

As a newlywed and a wife, you have expectations to fill. Cooking is probably the main expectation that I despise, and maybe it isn't just because I hate feeling like I have to do it. But maybe because I have a high failure rate when it comes to it, or maybe (as bad as I hate to admit it) it is because I would rather do something because I want to do it. Which brings me to my point of this post. Actions speak louder than words. For instance, J and I will leave notes around the house for one another. It is an unexpected surprise that we both love to get. One action (that you think is unimportant) can either start someones day off wonderfully or even turn one of his/her worst days around. The action I am currently working on (you guessed it) is cooking. I used to love to cook, and yes I did cook and it was delish! I am thinking that the pressure of having Jeff like everything I cook has got my "cooking skills" (J will laugh at that) thrown out the window.

Enough giving myself a speech on being a better wife, below is a birthday shout out.

Happy Birthday to Beth!
Have a Terrific Tuesday!


  1. Oh my gosh Kim - read my blog...sounds great huh! I just choose not to inform the world of every issue. But I can say the better life comes when you quit pretending the one you have is perfect!!! Love you!

    1. That is perfect! I think I will use you as my first quote! Love you, too!
