Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

There are several things I thought I would update you on, I am still doing the countdown to Valentine's Day and let's just say Jeff can't wait to see what he will wake up to. I have changed out some of things I posted originally. On Valentine's day I will re-post what I left for him.
Next, we are still doing P90x. I am starting to tell a difference. Not so much in how my clothes are fitting (YET!), but I can tell by body is toning up. I can also tell that with each work out I can do a little more than the last one and I actually have better form (VERY important).

I am also trying to find recipes that Jeff will eat, and anyone who knows him knows how picky he is. I am not the best cook, so I am trying to improve, so any suggestions will be helpful! Jeff loves my moms fried chicken strips, so I thought I would surprise him. Let's just say the eye on the stove is cursed! The first couple of strips were good, then the rest were burnt! Only me...I keep hearing that no one starts off great. Well, my husband thinks that I have never been in a kitchen before. BTW, yes, I know that fried chicken was NOT on our healthy diet.

Hope you have a great Wednesday and if you have any recipes that I could try...send them to! I am sure J would appreciate it!
A bridal picture taken of me, and it's one of my fav's, just wanted to share it! I took this picture of a picture with my phone, so the quality isn't as good.

One of my favorite pictures of us and wanted to share it also!

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