Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Being a Better Partner

Could you be a better wife or husband? If you answer no, then you need to reflect on your marriage. No matter how great it is, it could always be better. So, what could you do to help make your marriage better? I have several things that I am going to reflect on, and trust me I will be taking my own advice as I, myself, need to be a better partner.

Praying for your partner. This should be the first thing we do in the mornings, along with throughout the day. Here is a link that I have been looking at daily to help with what I need to be praying for. Second is forgiveness, if you aren't able to forgive (and forget) then your marriage is in trouble. Next, communication is key. If you fail to talk with your partner, how will you ever know what is going on in their life. Finally, be passionate! Passion will be the spring in your relationship. Your passion will brighten your partners darkest days.

Life is not the fairytale that we see on tv, and the grass is never greener on the other side. Marriage takes work. It entails both partners giving 150% at all times. I am far from an expert but am trying to pass along the knowledge that I have been taught. As I am trying to incorporate them into my life and our marriage.

It is up to each one of us, if we are willing, to do what it takes to have a better marriage. At the end of the day, we will still have arguments, but what comes out of those arguments is what makes us a stronger couple.

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