Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birthday Gifts

Sorry, I am being a slacker. Work has been long this week. For J's birthday we ended up at Anthony's Restaurant (which I LOVE, BUT was Jeff's decision to go). Not our best experience there but we had a great time getting out. Before we left the house I made Jeff open his gifts (because I can never wait). I made him open up a card that morning, then in the afternoon open a box and it was boot warmers. Some people may think that was a silly gift, but he truly needs it. Plus, my husband may be the hardest person to buy for. If he wants something, he doesn't wait for someone to buy it for him, he just goes out and gets it on his own. Needless to say, I never know what to get him. I made him open his second card next (which had his big gift in it). How's that? Well, his actual gift hasn't come in yet, so I printed off a picture of it...A DIGITAL SMOKER!

We had a great time, and wish it didn't have to end. He truly is the greatest and I am lucky to be his wife!

Something I ordered: Another sister from another mother, Kristen [which is Taylor's sister (previous post)] made this for my front door...don't be jealous ;) If interested, you can leave me a comment or send me an email at and I will get you her information or send more things that she has done. LOVE IT! THANK YOU, Kristen!

1 comment:

  1. I want one of those, please and thank you.
